How To Connect A Pressure Washer To A Kitchen Tap

A pressure washer is such a useful device to have. They make cleaning things such as your garden, patio, and car a lot quicker. They are powerful and certainly worth investing in.

They will save you a lot of time when it comes to carrying out these tasks. 

The majority of pressure washers are designed to clip onto your outside garden tap easily. This is great if you have one, but what if you do not?

Do not let your lack of outdoor tap put you off from purchasing a pressure washer. They are ways around this, for example, connecting your pressure washer to a kitchen tap.

While this may seem a little fiddly at first, when you get the hang of it, it is pretty simple to do. 

In this article, we will be going into detail about how to connect a pressure washer to a kitchen tap. We will provide you with all of the tips and tricks to make this easy!

How To Connect A Pressure Washer To A Kitchen Tap

how to connect a pressure washer to a kitchen tap

While connecting a pressure washer to a kitchen tap is not always the easiest task it is possible.

In this section of the article, we will be going into detail about how you can do this. 

Step 1: What You Will Need

Before you try to connect your pressure washer, there are a few things that you will need for this to be successful. 

Here is what you will need:

  • Hose pipe, preferably a fairly long one
  • Hose pipe to tap connector

Without a hose pipe and a tap connector, you will not be able to use your pressure washer. These two items are essential.

If you need to purchase these items, you can do so here:

Flexi Hose

The Flexi hose is durable and is 50 feet in length. The length of the hose pipe is important when you are connecting it to a kitchen tap.

When you are connecting to an outdoor tap the length can be shorter, but the hose pipe needs to travel a longer distance when connected to an indoor tap.

Before purchasing a hose pipe, we would recommend measuring how far it needs to travel and purchase a hose pipe that is a suitable length. 

Universal Tap Connector

A universal tap connector is the best choice for your tap. These types of tap connectors will fit on a wide variety of kitchen taps.

While other styles may not successfully connect to a kitchen tap, you should have no issues with this type of design. 

Step 2:  Attaching Your Tap Connector

The first thing you will need to do is attach your tap connector. To do this you will need to place it over your kitchen tap and secure it in place.

When the connector is in place you can secure it to your tap. 

After you have done this, we would recommend that you test the water. Turn on the tap slowly to ensure that the water is flowing through the tap connector.

If it is attached correctly, there will be no water escaping from the sides or any build-up of pressure. 

If there is any water leaking from the tap connector we would recommend reattaching it until the water is flowing through it correctly.

If it is not attached correctly the water pressure may not be correct for your pressure washer. In addition to this, it could become unattached and you will be left with a very wet kitchen! 

Step 3: Attaching Your Hosepipe

Once you are happy with the placement of the tap connector, next you will need to connect your hose pipe to it. This is fairly simple to do.

If you have a new hose pipe, it may be a bit of a squeeze to fit it onto the connector. However, if your hose pipe is the universal size, you should have no issues.

The hose pipe connects at the bottom of the connector to allow the water to run through it.

Once you have attached one end of the hose pipe to the connector, you will want to run your hose pipe outside. 

Depending on how far away your pressure washer is going to be, you can feed the hose pipe through the window or the door.

Once the hose pipe is in the correct place and the unattached end is outside, you can test the connection. 

A good connection should allow the water to run straight through. The hose pipe should not fall off or release due to pressure.

In addition to this, water should not be leaking from it. If this occurs, you will need to reattach it until it is secure. 

Step 4: Connecting Your Pressure Washer

After you have set up the hose and connector you will be ready to attach your pressure washer. 

To do this, you will need to take the end of the hose and attach it to the hose connection on your pressure washer.

This will usually be found on the front or the back of the pressure washer. It is easy to identify. 

Before you begin using it, we would recommend testing the water pressure and source to ensure it is flowing as it should.

It would be a little easier to have someone turn on the water supply inside while you are outside holding the pressure washer. You can do this by yourself, however.

If the water is coming out of the pressure washer at a steady and strong pace, everything is attached correctly.

If it is not, we would recommend repeating the steps above to find the source of the problem.

** Don’t forget to read our Karacher pressure washer post before you leave!


As you can see, connecting a pressure washer to a kitchen tap is fairly simple. While it is more fiddly in comparison to connecting it to an outside tap it is possible. 

The most important thing to remember is that all of the components are securely connected before you start using the pressure washer.

If you do not do this, you will end up with a soaked kitchen!